
I help clinicians transition into patient safety jobs or newly appointed leaders learn the patient safety aspects of their new role.

Dr Shawna Butler

After more than 20 years of experience in healthcare as a nurse-attorney, patient safety specialist, risk manager, and faculty member educating clinicians and students on legal, ethical, and health policy…

I know how unrealistic the expectations placed upon us can be.

While I enjoyed caring for my patients, I was often dissatisfied in a patient care role due to unrealistic expectations or systemic issues and wanted to do something different that allowed me to utilize my skills and improve patient care. 

My passion is to help clinicians be more informed, empowered and satisfied in their roles in order to best care for their patients.

Happy clinicians make well cared for patients.

Recent Blogs

Why you need liability insurance coverage as a clinician even if you do not care for patients

All clinicians need liability insurance coverage EVEN IF they no longer care for patients. ANYONE can make a complaint against your license. Most insurers will provide a defense attorney for the professional licensure process.

Why We Should Stop Allowing Healthcare to Push Resilience & Grit Onto Us

Resilience and grit are great qualities to have, but in healthcare when they are constanly stressed, they are ignoring the root cause of the issue; the system. Dismantling unhealthy systems that promote unrealistic expectations and glorifying workhorses is necessary.

New Clinical Role after COVID 19?

After COVID 19, are you considering transitioning into a new role? The good news is your clinical background will serve you well. There are many interesting departments you could transition into (quality, risk management, informatics, etc). This article covers a few.

This guide will provide the realities of 10 common patient safety myths and get you started with a strong patient safety foundation.

Dr Shawna Butler

After 20 years in healthcare as a nurse-attorney, patient safety advocate and educator I can help you prepare for a career in patient safety.

You can be a patient safety champion! We can teach you all the ins and outs to be a patient safety and risk management leader.